Diagnosis of Bell’s palsy is reached only once other causes are excluded. In children, Bell’s palsy is a much less common cause of lower neurone facial nerve paralysis than is the case in adults.
Other causes of facial nerve paralysis may include:
Infections and facial nerve paralysis |
Viral Ramsay Hunt syndrome [6] | - Unilateral facial nerve paralysis with herpetiform vesicular eruption and vestibulocochlear dysfunction
- Pain often more than in Bell’s palsy
- The cause in this case is herpes zoster virus infection
- Mumps and herpes simplex virus are also causes of facial nerve paralysis
Lyme disease | - Borrelia burgdorferi (spirochete)
- Spread by the bite of ixodes genus ticks
- Most common cause of facial nerve paralysis in children in endemic areas
- Important cause of bilateral facial nerve paralysis
Bacterial | - Otitis media [5,6]
- Mastoiditis
- Otitis externa and malignant otitis externa
- Meningitis [6]
Trauma [5]
VII cranial nerve is the most commonly injured nerve in head trauma:
- Typically, temporal fracture with nerve transection
- Basal skull fracture [6]
Systemic diseases [5]
Systemic diseases which may cause facial nerve paralysis include:
- Sarcoidosis [5]
- HIV [5,6]
- Polio [6]
- Tuberculosis [6]
- Multiple sclerosis [6]
- GuillainBarr syndrome [6]
- Diabetes [6]
Neoplasm [6]
Typically progressive course over 3 weeks, but sudden onset does not rule out:
- Parotid gland tumours [5,6]
- Pontine tumours [6]
- Acoustic neuroma [6]
- Leukaemia
Developmental hypoplasia/aplasia [7]
Learning bite
Bell’s palsy is only one of many potential causes of facial nerve paralysis [2,8].