GOR is likely when:
- There are no symptoms of serious illness (including sepsis).
- The child appears well with a normal examination.
- The vomiting is non-bilious and non-projectile.
- The child has plenty of wet and dirty nappies.
- The child is thriving.
- There are no features of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD):
- This is GOR that causes symptoms severe enough to merit medical treatment or reflux-associated complications2
A note on thriving:
- It is normal for a neonate to lose weight within the first few weeks of life especially if breast-fed.
- A general rule of thumb is no more than 10% of the birth weight and should be regained by day fourteen.
- However, this is based upon factors that predispose to jaundice and is highly controversial5.
- Recent evidence would suggest over 25% of otherwise healthy breast-fed neonates exceed these limits6.
- After this initial period insufficient growth should be determined by comparing the patients birth weight to the current weight on a growth curve.
Symptoms suggestive of serious illness:
- Bilious vomiting:
- 23-38% of neonates admitted with green vomitus were shown to have a surgical obstruction8,9
- It is important to ask about the colour of the vomit rather than use the term bilious, as most parents equated bile with the colour yellow7
- Projectile vomiting:
- 66-84% of cases will have pyloric stenosis3
- Poor urine and/or stool output:
- May indicate dehydration
- Excessive weight loss or pathological jaundice:
- May indicate dehydration
Image: Billious vomit
Signs suggestive of serious illness:
- Abnormal vital signs (including fever >38 C)
- Failure to thrive
- Pathological jaundice (see previous module)
- Signs of raised intracranial pressure:
- Bulging fontanelle, rapidly increasing head circumference and sunset eyes
- Hence, head circumference should be considered part of the standard examination
- Signs of dehydration:
- Sunken fontanelle, poor capillary refill and decreased skin turgor
Image: Sunset eyes – up-gaze paresis with the eyes appearing driven downward
Signs suggestive of serious illness:
- Distended abdomen:
- 61.8% of full-term new-borns with abdominal distension have a congenital malformation (including congenital megacolon, anal atresia, malrotation, and intestinal atresia)10
- Hepatomegaly:
- May indicate inborn errors of metabolism
- An olive-sized mass in the right upper quadrant:
- Reported in 50% to 83% of cases of pyloric stenosis11,12
- Groin lump:
- May indicate an incarcerated inguinal hernia
Features suggestive of GORD:
- Marked distress:
- Currently defined as outside the normal range by an appropriately trained healthcare professional
- However:
- There is no persuasive evidence that prolonged crying or waking at night is related to GORD and there are other potential explanations2
- There is some evidence that abnormal posturing may be more suggestive especially if there are features of Sandifer’s syndrome2
- Episodic torticollis with neck extension and/or rotation that may be mistaken for seizure activity
- Apnoea:
- Observation studies suggest apnoea and GOR are rarely associated unless overt regurgitation is associated with the episodes2
- Hence, other causes of acute life threatening events should be excluded beforehand
- Feeding difficulties:
- Feed refusal, gagging and choking
- As with apnoea, observational studies suggest little evidence to support feeding difficulties are linked with GOR unless overt regurgitation is associated with the episodes2
- Faltering growth:
- Observational studies are highly variable with regards to the association between failure to thrive and GORD2
- However, overall consensus would suggest that faltering growth could be related to GORD however, other causes should be excluded first2
- Chronic cough/hoarseness of voice:
- Observational studies suggest no association between GOR and laryngeal inflammation in children2
- In the absence of associated overt regurgitation the presence of chronic cough or hoarse voice does not indicate the presence of GOR
- Complications:
- Reflux oesophagitis
- Upper GI bleeding, unexplained iron-deficiency anaemia, dysphagia
- Recurrent aspiration pneumonia
- Single episodes of pneumonia are relatively common in childhood however, consider if recurrent
- Frequent otitis media:
- Studies have demonstrated refluxate in the middle ear due to the presence of the digestive enzyme pepsin13,14
- Hence, frequent middle ear infections should raise the possibility of reflux2
- Reflux oesophagitis