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Here are our most recent and popular
publications from across the site
This month we have: Surgery for Haemorrhagic Stroke | RCEM Best Practice Guidelines for Acute Pain | Laura Howard and Gregory Yates - BestBETs | New Online
A 7-year-old girl is bought to ED with painful ankles and a purple rash on her legs.
A male patient presents with muscle spasms and rigidity.
A 65-year-old presents with a painful rash extending to the tip of the nose.
A usual occurrence of a 5-year-old girl who developed develops a rash following chicken pox.
A 19-year-old woman of 9 weeks gestation presents to the emergency department with intractable vomiting.
We've all seen limping children. Maybe some of us have even had limping children. Some departments have excellent management strategies and pathways. Some don't. Here's some of our thoughts, musings and suggestions.
As with many things, there are no real concrete or evidence-based answers as to which Inotropes and vasopressors to use and when, but here are some thoughts and definitions.
Unwell neonate with an umbilical hernia