Clinical Case 3

  1. 1. Question

    A 66-year-old man presents to the ED with a painful, red, swollen knee. He has been taking ibuprofen for 1 week at maximal dose with limited benefit. He also takes candesartan, oramorph and bendroflumethiazide.  His U&Es confirm a stage 2 AKI.

    Match the medication with the pharmacological side effect.


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    • reduces glomerular blood flow (in the hypovolaemic patient), becoming nephrotoxic in the unwell patient
    • accumulates due to decreased Renal clearance
    • directly nephrotoxic
    • causes hypovolaemia which contributes to pre-renal AKI
    • Bendroflumethiazide
      • Ibuprofen
        • Opiates
          • Candesartan