An anxious 45-year-old male presents to your Emergency Department with acute neck swelling.
An asylum seeker presents to the ED with a chronic headache prompting questions of finance, logistics and follow up from the staff.
A 38-year-old gentleman has just finished a course of antibiotics for pneumonia, but his symptoms arent resolving
You are on the ED observation unit morning ward round. Your next patient is a 25-year-old man, admitted during the night for head injury observations following an alleged assault.
A 57-year-old gentleman self-presents to the ED with a 1-hour history of headache and chest pain.
A 62-year-old patient went too far with a seemingly benign ingredient in her kitchen.
A 30-year-old professional martial artist sustained a direct blow to the left side of his face during training.
Whilst waiting in the ED relative's room, a 59-year-old woman complains of chest pain.
An elderly lady, Susan, arrives in the emergency department with a sudden visual loss.
An 11-year-old girl presents to Paediatric A&E complaining of left knee and thigh pain.
A middle-aged man presents to the emergency department with chest pain and syncope
A 29-year-old lady presents with double vision
A 32-year-old male presents to the ED following a fall on his outstretched left hand from a height of 1.5m.
A 35-year-old female presents to the emergency department with transient vision loss and headache.
An 83-year-old female presents with worsening shortness of breath over the past three days which suddenly got worse tonight.
A 45-year-old male presents to the ED with a 3-day history of progressive weakness in his right upper and lower limbs. On examination there's observed ataxia and ocular involvement only had developed within the last 24 hours.
A 6-month-old girl was brought to your emergency department by her parents with five days of gradually increasing respiratory distress.
A 20-year-old male presents with a 6-month history of intermittent chest pain.
A 63-year-old female presents with anxiety and collapse
Not everything is as straightforward as it seems...just another UTI? or could this 25 year old man have a more exotic cause for his haematuria.
A 58-year-old right handed man bitten by a dog 7 weeks prior, presents to your ED for a 3rd time with the sensation of a foreign body in his finger
A 31-year-old man presented to the ED after falling off a wall into a bush. He sustained head and facial injuries.
A young lady, 13 weeks pregnant presents with one day history of left lower limb swelling, pain and discolouration. Bedside ultrasonography reveals thrombosis occluding the CFV and collateral veins.
An elderly man presents to the emergency department with dizziness associated with movement of his left arm.