32-year-old presents to Resus with multiple stab wounds and breathlessness.
A 60-year-old male presents to the emergency department with sudden loss of vision in his right eye.
A 32-year-old gentleman presents to the ED following a cricket ball impact to his left eye.
A 77-year-old man presents with haemoptysis and shortness of breath.
An elderly lady is brought into ED with worsening left eye pain since a procedure she had to both eyes.
A 78-year-old gentleman is wondering if he needs antibiotics for his worsening shortness of breath. His only past medical history is a maxillofacial tumour that was surgically resected a year ago. Is this a simple chest infection?
A 30-year-old post-partum patient with post-natal depression is referred to the ED following a witnessed seizure and confusion.
A 5-year-old boy presents to the paediatric emergency department with a two-week history of progressively worse face, arms and feet swelling.
How to safely manage chemical eye injury to prevent complications.
An 81-year-old woman attends ED from a Nursing Home with a reduced GCS, tachycardia, tachypnoea, hypotension, hypothermia and hyperglycaemia.
An elderly lady presents to a Minor Injuries Unit following head injury. On examination, evidence of suspected skull base fracture is found and she is, therefore, referred to the ED for radiological investigation.
It's 5am. A 26-year-old is blue lighted to ED with slurred speech and limb weakness.
A 33-year-old patient is brought in unresponsive. She is hypothermic, hypotensive, bradycardic, hypoglycaemic and has unequal pupils.
A 43-year-old lady presents with left thigh pain and swelling.
A 15-year-old twists his ankle while skateboarding.
An 80-year-old woman sustains a lid-laceration in an RTC. How should this be managed?
A 46-year-old gentleman with a known history of alcohol dependence re-attends to the ED with a reduced GCS. Is he just drunk?
A 52-year-old male complains of a mass at the base of his neck following a fall from his mountain bike.
A 28-year-old man recently returned from abroad. He is feverish with sore eyes and a rash.
A 70-year-old gentleman presents to the ED with pain in left lower jaw, worsening over the last 3 days.
A young lady presents with shoulder pain, for which there are multiple differential diagnoses. How do you differentiate between them in order to manage her effectively?
Elderly lady presenting with abdominal pain and fleeting left upper limb weakness.
A 29-year-old male attends with left knee pain having been hit by a slow-moving car 2 days earlier.
A 9-week-old female infant presents to Paediatric A&E at 2200 hrs with a history of coughing, difficulty in breathing, lethargy and reduced feeding.