Beyond the Tick Box: Embracing Reflective Practice

This blog discusses why reflection is at the core of our learning.
Adrenaline in a (lawyer’s) finger…

While working in the minors area of a busy teaching hospital’s ED, a somewhat flustered junior doctor approaches you to confess her actions.
An education in (social) practice

The social context is central to learning from an EM perspective, and how trainees feel in that community is a vital part of their education.
A Genuine Case of ‘Off Legs’

A 30-year-old lady presents to the ED feeling “numb from the waist down”.
The Twitching Tot

The paramedics arrive with a 3-year-old boy who has had two seizures today. He has known developmental delay but has no history of seizures previously
The Collapsing Child

A 10-year-old boy is brought into hospital after a fainting episode at school.
Carbamazepine – A Toxic Shock

A 46-year-old man is brought by ambulance to the ED. He has been drinking alcohol all afternoon and, according to collateral from his wife, he has taken ‘some tablets’ two hours prior the presentation.
Doctor! Why Can’t I Walk?

A 65-year-old male presents to the emergency department by ambulance with an episode of collapse.
The Curious Incident of the Wolff in the Night-time

A man, woken up in the night by his dog barking, realises that his previously well 23-year-old girlfriend isn’t breathing.
Informed Consent

The legal aspects of Emergency Medicine can be difficult and often a trainee spends less time reading about these, unless a specific situation arises in work.
Ketamine Sedation in Children

This session is based upon the RCEM College Best Practice guideline on Ketamine Procedural Sedation for Children in the Emergency Department.
A stag do abroad

34-year-old male with malaise, myalgia, bilateral neck swelling and a headache
To drain or not to drain?

A 67-year-old man presents with shortness of breath and fever. He has recently completed his first 2 week chemotherapy course for auricular Squamous Cell Carcinoma, administered via a PICC line.
Pop Goes the Lung

A 23-year-old male was playing rugby 4 days ago. He was touching down in his in-goal area for a 5-metre scrum when he was kneed in the back towards his left side.
A Kick in the Chest

A 47-year-old man presents to the ED after being thrown off his horse.
Pelvic Injury Following a Fall

A 53-year-old lady with MS presents with left hip and pelvic pain after a fall.
Wee Considerations

An elderly man comes in acutely unwell. He’s pyrexial, tachycardic, and isn’t passing urine.

A 4-year-old girl presents to the Emergency Department with a four-day history of fever and sore throat.
Relieving Pain in a Fractured Femur

A 27-year-old male cyclist presents with an isolated fractured left femur, having been hit by a car.
Cardioversion Conundrum

A 48-year-old gentleman presents at 3am to the ED having woken at 2am with palpitations.