Author: Hind Goriel / Editor: Fiona Mendes / Codes: / Published: 01/11/2021
A 36-year-old female presents to the Emergency Department (ED) with severe central chest pain and breathlessness of 4 hours duration. She has no sweating, no nausea or vomiting. Her husband died in the Critical Care Unit earlier today.
She has no cardiovascular risk factors.
- Oxygen Saturations 97% in room air
- Respiratory rate 18 breaths/min
- Blood pressure 90/75 mmHg
- Heart rate 60 bpm
- Temperature 37 degrees Celsius.
Oral Aspirin 300mg and titrated intravenous Morphine were given at triage.
Blood tests results:
- Full blood count, urea & electrolytes are within normal ranges.
- Her troponin is 15 ng/l [normal range 0-10 ng/l]
Her ECG is shown below: