Acute Lower Back Pain

Authors: Henry Guly / Editor: John Sloan / Reviewer: Stewart McMorran, Grace McKay, Raghaventhar Manikandan / Codes: / Published: 25/03/2021 / Reviewed: 17/01/2025

Lower back pain is a very common problem and it is estimated that 80% of the population suffer from it at some stage of their life. It is also a common presentation to the Emergency Department (ED).

Emergency physicians must be able to differentiate serious from less serious causes of lower back pain and be able to recognise cauda equina compression syndrome

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Describe the major causes of lower back pain
  • Identify the “red flags” for lower back pain
  • Describe the investigation of lower back pain
  • Plan the emergency department management of the common causes of lower back pain


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