There has been controversy about the cost effectiveness of antidementia drugs. Current NICE guidance advises the use of specific drugs; but with some caveats.
Specific drugs
For moderate AD, current NICE guidance advises the use of:
However, there are caveats:
Current evidence suggests they are not helpful in the management of VD, DLB or FTD.
Memantine is a drug prescribed in the past for moderate to severe dementia.
It is now advised to be started only as part of well designed trials.
Antidepressants and antipsychotics
Dementia patients may also be on antidepressants and antipsychotics to try to help control the behavioural aspects of their disease.
These should only be given to patients with severe symptoms as they are associated with an increased risk of death.
Urgent situations
In an urgent situation, where the behaviour of a patient with dementia may cause danger to themselves or others, sedative and antipsychotic medication may be appropriate.
NICE advises the following strategy:
Patients and carers should be given the opportunity to discuss the events surrounding involuntary sedation, and the reasons why it was necessary.
Learning Bite
Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can be helpful for reducing cognitive impairment in moderate Alzheimers disease. There is no evidence to support their use for other dementia subtypes at present.