The following information should be obtained when a patient with asthma presents to the ED with shortness of breath or wheeze [2]:
- Time of onset of symptoms
- Onset abrupt or gradual?
- Pleuritic chest pain?
- Fever?
- Cough (and nature of cough)?
- Current medication
- Compliant with medications?
- Allergies?
- Specific questioning about current/recent use of steroids
- Frequency of use of 2 agonist
- Any treatment given by emergency responders/ambulance staff?
- Specific questioning about use of aspirin, NSAID’s and beta-blockers
- Pregnant?
- Previous best PEFR (in the last 2 years)
- Smoker?
Deaths in asthmatics continue to be reported following inappropriate prescription of:
- Beta-blockers (contra-indicated)
- NSAIDs (Contra-indicated if previous exacerbation related to NSAID or aspirin use)