Authors: Gavin Lloyd / Editor: Steve Fordham / Reviewer: Stewart McMorran, Kathryn Blackmore, Mehdi Teeli / Codes: / Published: 03/12/2019 / Reviewed: 06/06/2024
This module provides training in chest drain insertion. It looks at the indications for carrying out this procedure, as well as how to prepare for it, and shows a chest drain being inserted. Post-procedure management and complex cases are also covered.
After completing this session you will be able to:
- Evaluate the need for a chest drain in injured adults
- Explain how to safely insert and secure a chest drain
- Recognise important aspects of chest drain management post-procedure
- Manage complex cases in which a chest drain may be an integral part
Incorrectly placed chest drains are capable of causing serious injury and death. The recommendations of the NHS National Patient Safety Agency report 2008 [1] are covered by these learning objectives.
- Lamont T, Surkitt-Parr M, Scarpello[A] J, Durand M, Hooper C, Maskell N, et al. Insertion of chest drains: summary of a safety report from the National Patient Safety Agency BMJ 2009; 339 :b4923
- Is a chest drain necessary in stable patients with traumatic pneumothorax? August 2008, BestBets.
- Chest drains in traumatic occult pneumothorax. December 2005, BestBets.
- Laws D, Neville E, Duffy J. BTS guidelines for the insertion of a chest drain. Thorax 2003;58(Suppl II):ii53-ii59.
- The use of intrapleural anaesthetic to reduce the pain of chest drain insertion. May 2007. BestBets.
- Antibiotics in patients with isolated chest trauma requiring chest drains. November 2002. BestBets.
- Do patients with a thoracostomy tube placed in the lung fissure need an additional thoracostomy tube placed? August 2008. BestBets.
- Advanced Trauma Life Support for Doctors, student course manual 10th edition. 2018. Chicago, Illinois, US.
- Does it matter whether a chest drain is aimed upwards or downwards for the optimum drainage of fluid or air from the pleural cavity? June 2010. BestBets.