
Eye injuries is a leading cause of visual loss and blindness often affecting young people. Worldwide approximately 1.6 million people are blind from eye injuries. [1]

Ophthalmological conditions accounts about 450,000 attendances to emergency departments. [2]

A significant proportion of ocular trauma occurs in the workplace [2] and it is more likely to affect young males [3].

Eye injuries complicate 2.3% of all major traumas and are frequently missed on secondary and tertiary surveys [4].

Accurate assessment and appropriate management of eye injuries in the emergency department are essential.

Learning bite

Eye injuries commonly affect young men and are most likely to occur in the workplace. When they are associated with major trauma, eye injuries are commonly overlooked on secondary and tertiary examinations.

Ref 1

Ngrel, AD & Thylefors, B. (1998). The global impact of eye injuries. Ophthalmic epidemiology. 5. 143-69.

Ref 2

[PDF]Accident and Emergency Statistics:Demand – Parliament UK