Investigations to help decide if a patient requires admission include
ECG all patients should have an ECG. Check for:
- Bradyarrhythmias
- Long QTc
- Non-specific T wave changes
- Hypokalaemia
Blood tests may be normal unless there are purging behaviours, such as laxatives or diuretics:
- U&Es may be affected by dehydration, or malnutrition
- Low sodium suggestive of water loading
- Low potassium suspicious of vomiting or laxative abuse
- Glucose hypoglycaemia maybe associated with possible occult infection
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Phosphate
- LFTs raised transaminases with malnutrition
Additional investigations may be required, if admission is being considered, to assess nutritional state:
- Thyroid function tests
- Amylase
- Coeliac screen
- Vitamin D
- Iron studies, vitamin B12, folate
- Zinc, copper selenium