Eye Infections

Author: Michael John Stewart / Editors: Jonathan D Whittaker / Reviewer: Michael John Stewart, Louise Burrows, Kathryn Boyle / Codes: / Published: 18/01/2021 / Reviewed: 17/10/2024

This module covers the assessment and management of infections affecting the external eye and the lacrimal apparatus.


Before commencing this session you should complete the Module Session – Initial Assessment of the Eye

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Identify the anatomical factors that contribute to the development and spread of infections of the eye lid and peri-orbital structures
  • Describe the pathophysiology and clinical features of dacryoadenitis and dacryocystitis, and institute appropriate treatment
  • Differentiate between a chalazion (meibomian cyst) and acute hordeolum of the eye and formulate management strategies for each condition
  • Differentiate between preseptal and orbital cellulitis and formulate a management strategy for both conditions
  • Recognise the serious complications of orbital infections and institute appropriate treatment and referral


  1. Rutar T, Zwick OM, Cockerham KP, Horton JC. Bilateral blindness from orbital cellulitis caused by community-acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005 Oct;140(4):740-2.
  2. Jackson K, Baker SR. Clinical implications of orbital cellulitis. Laryngoscope. 1986 May;96(5):568-74.
  3. Blomquist PH. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus infections of the eye and orbit (an American Ophthalmological Society thesis). Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 2006;104:322-45.
  4. Boden JH, Ainbinder DJ. Methicillin-resistant ascending facial and orbital cellulitis in an operation Iraqi Freedom troop population. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007 Sep-Oct;23(5):397-9.
  5. Hospital Episode Statistics [Internet]. Inpatient data. London: The NHS Information Centre for health and social care.
  6. Mills DM, Bodman MG, et al. The microbiologic spectrum of dacryocystitis: a national study of acute versus chronic infection. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007 Jul-Aug;23(4):302-6.
  7. McCulley JP. Blepharoconjunctivitis. Int Ophthalmol Clin. 1984 Summer;24(2):65-77.
  8. Jones DB, Steinkuller PG. Strategies for the initial management of acute preseptal and orbital cellulitis. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. 1988;86:94-108; discussion 108-12.
  9. Kass LG, Hornblass A. Sebaceous carcinmoma of the ocular adnexa. Survey of Ophthalmology, Volume 33, Issue 6, 477 – 490
  10. Dellinger RP, Levy MM, Carlet JM, Bion J, et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008. Crit Care Med. 2008 Jan;36(1):296-327.
  11. Bergin DJ, Wright JE. Orbital cellulitis. Br J Ophthalmol. 1986 Mar;70(3):174-8.
  12. NHS Digital: Hospital Episode Statistics, Admitted Patient Care  England, 2014-15
  13. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). BNF. Eye, infections.

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