Specific Management: Hordeolum

Superficially, an acute hordeolum and chalazion will look similar. However, there are a number of differences, largely due to the infective nature of hordeolum as opposed to the granuloma of a chalazion.

Fig 1: HordeolumFig 2: Chalazion

Key differences

This table summarises the key differences between an hordeolum and a chalazion.

DurationUsually <7 daysCan persist indefinitely
OnsetRapid; can appear overnightGradual increase in size
AppearanceRed swelling, pus collection may be visibleRed/yellow swelling, more rounded
Discharge from lesionYes; often noticeable in the morningNo
TendernessTenderMild or no tenderness
Associated problemsCan cause local cellulitis or conjunctivitisUsually none



An uncomplicated hordeolum will rarely require antibiotic therapy. Application of a warm compress for 15 minutes at a time, four times a day, will encourage the collection to discharge. No review is needed in most cases.

Occasionally, complications arise from the spread of infection; preseptal cellulitis should be treated as per the page entitled ‘Specific (Preseptal Cellulitis)’, conjunctivitis will require topical antibiotic treatment.