Author: Henry R Guly / Editor: John P Sloan, Phil Delbridge / Reviewer: Jennifer Lockwood / Code: A6 / Published: 05/04/2021
Foot injuries and pain are common presentations to the Emergency Department, both atraumatic and as a result of trauma. These injuries are important as they can have a significant affect on patients’ mobility and quality of life.
After completing this session you will be able to:
- Examine a foot x-ray and diagnose common foot injuries
- Identify the common bony and soft tissue injuries of the foot
- Describe the management of common foot injuries
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- Martin B, Mackway-Jones K. Support bandaging is best for avulsion fractures of the base of the fifth metatarsal. BestBETs, 2001
- Dardouri H, Hassan Z. Subungal haematoma: trephine drainage versus non-drainage. BestBETs, 2005
- Scott L, Flannery O, Hearns S et al. Infection risk when trephining subungal haematomas with associated closed distal phalangeal fractures. BestBETs, 2004
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