Management of Post-Arrest Patients Including Prognostication

Authors: Lewis O Jones, Lou Mitchell / Editors: Steve Fordham, Sandi Angus / Reviewer: Stewart McMorran, Tadgh Moriarty / Codes: R1 / Published: 08/12/2020 / Reviewed: 24/06/2024

This module focusses on the Emergency Department (ED) care of patients post-cardiac arrest i.e. after the return of spontaneous circulation.

Before commencing this session you should:

  • Be an advanced life support (ALS) certified provider

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Explain how to stabilise a post-arrest patient
  • Formulate a plan for their ongoing care
  • Make an evidence-based assessment of their short term prognosis
  • Describe medico-legal and ethical issues regarding withdrawing or withholding care


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