Necrotising Fasciitis

Author: Amy Armstrong / Editor: Colin Bell, Jason Kendall / Reviewer: Sandi Angus / Codes: / Published: 14/04/2023

Necrotising fasciitis is a rare but severe soft tissue infection that requires a high index of suspicion for diagnosis in the Emergency Department (ED).

This module provides learners with an overview of the causes, clinical features, investigations, ED treatment and pitfalls encountered in the diagnosis and management of necrotising fasciitis.

Learning objectives:

  • Identify organisms commonly implicated in the pathophysiology of necrotising fasciitis
  • Consider risk factors for necrotising fasciitis
  • Describe clinical features that should raise suspicion of necrotising fasciitis
  • Understand the principles of management of necrotising fasciitis in the Emergency Department
  • Be aware of the role of the ED team in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with this condition.


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