Neonatal Conjunctivitis

Author: Mohammad Saleki / Editor: Nick Tilbury / Codes: / Published: 24/10/2023

A 10-day-old male infant presents to the emergency department (ED) with redness and discharge from his right eye.

The mother reports that the infant was born via normal vaginal delivery and was not given prophylactic eye ointment at birth. She noticed the discharge from the right eye a few days ago, which has now progressed to involve both eyes. The infant has been feeding well and has had no fever or other signs of illness.

The infant has no significant medical history. There is no family history of ocular or genetic diseases. The mother denies any recent illness or exposure to sick contacts.

On examination, the infant’s vital signs are unremarkable. He is alert and in no acute distress. The head circumference is within normal limits for his age. There is moderate purulent discharge from both eyes with crusting of the eyelids. The conjunctivae are erythematous and chemosed. There is no corneal involvement. The pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light. No other abnormalities are noted.

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