Author: Richard Freeman / Editor: Gareth Lewis / Reviewer: Jason Kendall, Richard Freeman / Codes: / Published: 17/03/2021
- Sick neonates with vesiculopustular rashes should be tested for HSV, candidal and Staphylococcal infections (EL3).
- Infantile seborrhoeic dermatitis usually responds to conservative management (EL3) but resistant cases can be treated with topical antifungals (EL2-).
- Neonates with hyperbilirubinaemia should receive phototherapy based upon comparison of serum levels to the NICE treatment threshold graphs (EL4).
- Phototherapy is effective treatment for pathological hyperbilirubaemia in term and preterm neonates (EL1 to EL1++).
- Most cases of neonatal diastasis recti, umbilical hernia, communicating hydrocoele and unilateral undescended testicle will resolve spontaneously without treatment (EL3).
- There is evidence that application of salt is effective in treating umbilical granulomas (EL2+) without the risk of silver nitrate burns (EL3).
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