Authors: Mohomed Ashraf / Editor: Steve Corry-Bass / Reviewer: Ffyon Davies / Codes: / Published: 10/12/2022

A 72-year-old gentleman who has not seen a doctor in decades, presents with worsening dyspnoea and a cough. He has recently found his trousers to be tighter and has noticed his ankles swelling up. He has a history of smoking and gave up 5 years ago. He had an ABG taken and Chest X-Ray (CXR) done.

pH: 7.21 (7.35 – 7.45)

pCO2: 11 (4.5 – 6 kPa)

pO2: 7.0 (10 – 14 kPa)

HCO3- : 30 (22 – 26 mmol/l)

CXR showed chronic parenchymal changes with no bullous disease or pneumothoraces.

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