Author: Kaushila Thilakasiri / Editor: Steve Corry-Bass, Nick Tilbury / Codes: / Published: 03/11/2022
A 12-year-old girl is brought to the Emergency Department (ED) by her parents with a 1-day history of headache, fever, vomiting and lethargy associated with a rash which has been rapidly developing over the last 3 hours.
The childs mother says that they migrated to England from Sri Lanka 2 weeks ago.
She was previously well with normal development and has no siblings.
On initial assessment:
- Airway – patent
- Breathing – RR 25 breaths/min, SpO2 98% on air,
- Circulation – Capillary Refill > 2 seconds, Pulse rate 114bpm, BP 100/60mmHg
- Disability – GCS 12/15 E-3, V-4, M-5, Blood sugar- 5.4mmol/l, pupils equal reactive to light,
- Exposure temp 39C, generalised non-blanching purpuric rash. (see image). Mild-moderate dehydration is present, and you also note some neck stiffness.