An overcrowded department and the bus has just arrived questions

You are in charge of a busy Emergency Department. You are very limited for space and only have 1 space in Resus, 1 space in Majors, 1 space in Minors and the waiting room.

4 ambulances have arrived within the space of 5 minutes.

The patients are:

1. An 82-year-old female who had a fall at home. She arrives in a chair. The paramedics say she was able to weight bear at the scene. She complains of a sore right hip.

2. A 73-year-old male with left flank and back pain. His heart rate is 110 and BP 95/65. Paramedics think he has a Kidney Stone.

3. A 26-year-old male who got a splash burn to the face at work. He has a cool gel mask on when he arrives. Vital signs are normal.

4. A 39-year-old with vomiting and diarrhoea. Normal vital signs.