A 7-year-old girl presents with an acute, painful hot knee and a red-purple non-blanching rash.…

A 7-year-old girl presents with an acute, painful hot knee and a red-purple non-blanching rash.…
While working in the minors area of a busy teaching hospital’s ED, a somewhat flustered junior doctor approaches you to confess her actions.…
Status epilepticus, a state of prolonged, uncontrolled seizures, is a common emergency department presentation that is potentially life-threatening.…
A 17-year-old female presents with abdominal pain one day after falling from a bicycle.…
Communicating with little people?…
A young male presents with an altered voice the morning after a sparring session.…
A 21-day-old term baby presents to your emergency department in respiratory distress and appears dusky blue.…
A young child presents to your Emergency Department with non specific upper respiratory tract symptoms. Youve seen him before on a previous visit.…
Low back pain is a very common problem and it is estimated that 80% of the population suffer from it at some stage of their life. It is also a common presentation to emergency departments.…
A confused and disoriented woman is brought into your Emergency Department.…
Explore your understanding further of how hypnosis can help in Emergency Medicine…
A 40-year-old female attends ED with a painful eye with worsening vision.…
A 30-year-old lady presents to the ED feeling “numb from the waist down”.…
Thank you for tuning into the latest RCEMLearning podcast. We have prepared three multiple-choice questions based on this episode and its accompanying show notes. Successfully answering these question…
12% of ED attendances are related to domestic abuse. ED physicians are in a unique position to identify these cases.…
A 22-year-old is transferred for a specialist plastics review. You and the plastics team agree to see the patient together in resus after a pre-alert is passed.…
A 32-year-old decorator attends the Emergency Department having accidentally put his left hand through a pane of glass at work.…
A miscellany of paediatric procedures…
Explore the NICE guidance on wound management of dog bites (NICE CKS and NICE Guidance)…
An elderly lady presents with a fall and subsequent left upper limb pain.…