An elderly lady presents with a fall and subsequent left upper limb pain.…

An elderly lady presents with a fall and subsequent left upper limb pain.…
A child attends the emergency department with a swollen eye.…
A 22-year-old lady delivers a 36-week-old baby unexpectedly at home. The baby was initially pink with an Apgar of 9, and a birth weight of 7lbs.…
A 63-year-old female presents with anxiety and collapse.…
The paramedics arrive with a 3-year-old boy who has had two seizures today. He has known developmental delay but has no history of seizures previously…
A usual occurrence of a 5-year-old girl who developed develops a rash following chicken pox.…
A 60-year-old man with a tracheostomy is brought into the emergency department with acute shortness of breath.…
Unwell neonate with an umbilical hernia…
An introduction to the assessment and management of acute testicular pain with reference to the anatomy. The module focuses on the importance of recognising and promptly managing testicular torsion.…
A 65-year-old presents with a painful rash extending to the tip of the nose.…
A 10-year-old boy is brought into hospital after a fainting episode at school.…
A 14-year-old girl attends the emergency department following a fall whilst ice skating.…
56-year-old presents with a bleeding base of tongue tumour. You cannot intubate and you cannot ventilate. How do you proceed?…
A male patient presents with muscle spasms and rigidity.…
This module aims to provide the learner with an overview of common types of skin and soft tissue injuries, how best to accurately describe these, and considers the mechanism most likely to be responsi…
A 58-year-old right handed man bitten by a dog 7 weeks prior, presents to your ED for a 3rd time with the sensation of a foreign body in his finger…
Thank you for tuning into the latest RCEMLearning podcast. We have prepared three multiple-choice questions based on this episode and its accompanying show notes. Successfully answering these question…
A young lady, 13 weeks pregnant, presents with one day history of left lower limb swelling, pain and discolouration.…
A 19-year-old woman of 9 weeks gestation presents to the emergency department with intractable vomiting.…
A 46-year-old man is brought by ambulance to the ED. He has been drinking alcohol all afternoon and, according to collateral from his wife, he has taken some tablets two hours prior the presentation.…