Follow-up and complications

Patients should be followed-up in specialist pelvic units to ensure full advice is available for different aspects of care including pain management, physical, urological and sexual disabilities.

Complications of pelvic injury include:

  • Morel-Lavalle Lesion (Morel Lavalle Lesions (MLL) are uncommon shearing injuries resulting in separation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue from the underlying fascia. Essentially it is a closed internal degloving injury- consult plastic surgery).

Fig.31 Image via Case courtesy of Dr Matt Skalski

  • Thromboembolism
  • Pelvic infection
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Sciatic nerve injury
  • Urological stricture/incontinence/impotence
  • Persistent pain from malunion

Learning bite

Pelvic injury can lead to multiple complications and should be followed up in specialist pelvic units.