Pulmonary Embolism

Author: Steven D Crane, Jason B Lee, Francis P Morris / Editor: Jason M Kendall, Emer Kidney / Reviewer: Eugene Henry / Codes: A2 / Published: 18/05/2023

The module covers assessment and management of the patient presenting in the Emergency Department (ED) with a pulmonary embolism (PE).

After completing this session you will be able to:

  • Reflect on the importance of considering the diagnosis of PE in a variety of presentations.
  • Describe the different risk stratification tools available for patients presenting to the ED with possible PE.
  • Describe both the limitations of D-Dimer testing and the difference between quantitively and qualitative tests.
  • Formulate an appropriate management plan for the patient with suspected PE.
  • Initiate time critical therapy for a patient with a suspected massive PE.


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