Find out more about each of the fundoscopic appearances shown below.
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) typically produces a very pale optic disc and retina, together with the classic cherry red spot of the macula. This is due to the separate supply of the outer retina by the choriocapillaris.
The appearance of central retinal vein occlsion (CRVO) is more dramatic; diffuse retinal haemorrhage and venous dilatation are seen in all four quadrants often referred to as a blood and thunder or stormy sky appearance.
In papillitis, fundoscopic changes are only seen with direct involvement of the optic nerve head resulting in a papillitis, visible as hyperaemia, blurred disc margins and occasionally haemorrhages.
This occurs in approximately one third of cases of optic neuritis, [12] the remainder causing a retrobulbar neuritis and a fundoscopically normal optic disc. Ischaemic optic neuropathy may also cause this appearance.
Retinal detachment
Retinal detachment may be difficult to visualise as it often originates peripherally.
Minimal changes are usually seen with posterior vitreous detachment, but can include vitreous, retinal and optic nerve head haemorrhages. [13] Oedema of the optic nerve head and macula are also possible.