
Since the introduction of tetanus immunisation in the 1940s, acute tetanus has become rare in the developed world.

Total tetanus global immunisation coverage

The World Health Organization [WHO] reported over 14,000 confirmed cases of tetanus worldwide in 2019 [1], however it is estimated that the actual number is much higher. For that same year, the Global Burden of Disease project estimated over 73,000 cases, and over 34,000 deaths. [2]

With a modelling study by Causey et al. [3] predicting 30 million children missed routine tetanus vaccinations in 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, these numbers could increase.

In England there were 11 cases of tetanus and 1 death recorded in 2021. All cases were partially or non-immunised. There was a total of 22 cases and five deaths in the preceding five years. [4]

Tetanus is a notifiable disease in the UK. There is a statutory duty on all medical practitioners to notify the proper officer at their local council or health protection team of suspected cases of certain infectious diseases. A full list of these, together with further details, is available on the government website. [5]