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The MRCEM OSCE is the third exam required for Membership of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine and assesses the clinical and communication skills of trainees and ensures that they are those of someone ready for higher training.

For more details regarding the MRCEM Primary like who can sit the exam, where the exam takes place and how it is marked and when the results are given visit the RCEM Exam pages.


The MRCEM OSCE consists of 16 8-minute stations, with one minute reading time between stations. There are also two rest stations in the exam.

The MRCEM OSCE objectively samples the clinical and communication skills of trainees and ensures that they are those of someone ready for entry to higher training. The MRCEM OSCE assesses the common competences and clinical competences required for the evaluation and immediate management of common clinical conditions seen in the Emergency Department in adults and children. Competence in childrens emergencies is expected at a level delivered in a general Emergency Department and focuses mainly on the seriously ill and injured child, or the management of common childhood emergencies.

StationSpecialty Learning Outcome
1Complex stable patientSLO1
2Complex stable patientSLO1
3Complex stable patientSLO1
4Complex stable patientSLO1
5Answer questionsSLO2
6Answer questionsSLO2
9Injured patientSLO4
10Injured patientSLO4
11Paediatric Emergency MedicineSLO5
12Procedural skillsSLO6
13Procedural skillsSLO6
14Procedural skillsSLO6
15Complex challenging situationsSLO7
16Complex challenging situationsSLO7

Getting Ready for the exam

Preparing for the MRCEM OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) exam requires a structured and comprehensive approach. Here are some steps to help you prepare effectively:

Understand the Exam Format:
Familiarise yourself with the structure and format of the MRCEM OSCE exam. Understand the stations, time limits, and scoring system. This will give you an idea of what to expect during the exam.

Review the Exam Blueprint:
Review the exam blueprint or syllabus to understand the key areas that will be assessed. Pay close attention to the clinical skills, emergency procedures, communication skills, and professional behaviours that are part of the exam.

Develop Clinical Skills:
Practice and refine your clinical skills. This includes history-taking, physical examination, procedural skills, and communication techniques. Focus on accuracy, efficiency, and effective patient interaction. Consider attending clinical skills workshops or courses to enhance your practical abilities.

Practice OSCE Stations:
Find a collection of OSCE practice stations and scenarios. Work through them to simulate the exam experience. Practice both the clinical and communication skills required for each station. Pay attention to time management and maintaining professionalism during the encounter.

Create a Study Group:
Collaborate with other candidates preparing for the MRCEM OSCE. Organize regular study group sessions where you can practice different stations, provide feedback to each other, and share knowledge and strategies. This will help broaden your perspective and improve your performance.

Utilise Online Resources:
Utilise online resources such as videos, podcasts, and websites that offer OSCE preparation materials. These resources can provide demonstrations of clinical skills, communication techniques, and tips for success in the MRCEM OSCE.

Review Relevant Guidelines and Protocols:
Familiarise yourself with the latest clinical guidelines, protocols, and algorithms related to emergency medicine. Understand how to apply these guidelines in various scenarios that may be encountered during the OSCE.

Self-Reflection and Feedback:
Regularly reflect on your performance during practice sessions and mock exams. Identify your strengths and areas for improvement. Seek feedback from peers, instructors, or mentors to gain different perspectives and refine your approach.

Manage Stress and Maintain Well-being:
The MRCEM OSCE can be demanding, so its important to manage stress and maintain your well-being. Practice relaxation techniques, maintain a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, and take breaks during your preparation to ensure you are mentally and physically prepared.

Remember, consistent practice and exposure to various scenarios are key to success in the MRCEM OSCE exam. By following these steps, you can enhance your skills and confidence, and increase your chances of achieving a favourable outcome.

Good luck!

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