An elderly woman attends with a vague history of weakness and confusion but an unremarkable clinical examination. How will you proceed?
A young woman, who walks into the ED with Propranolol overdose, suddenly collapses.
A woman presents with breast pain and fever to your emergency department. How will you manage this patient?
A pregnant woman presents with a headache and abdominal pain and suddenly deteriorates. How will you manage this?
A young man presents with auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions. Test your knowledge on assessment and management of a psychiatric patient.
You think this is a regular day at the office and a very straight forward case, but is it?
A young female patient presents with lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding to your ED. How will you manage this patient?
A conducted energy device (CED) taser was discharged into a patients shoulder. Before this patient is taken into police custody, youve been asked to assess them in your ED.
A young woman is pre-alerted to the emergency department with increasing drowsiness and confusion.
The Police have brought a patient to your ED that has had a controlled energy device discharged into their upper back. You are called to assess this patient.
Test your knowledge on managing an animal bite!
Preparing for exams and trying to find an SBA on organ donation? The law around organ donation has changed; refresh your knowledge with this SBA.
A woman with diplopia needs your help. Can you identify the cause and include or exclude any red flags?
Your patients x-ray shows his heart is almost the whole size of his chest. Whats going on? And what are you going to do about it?
Trauma Pre-alert for a 35-year-old gentleman who sustained injury to head and back after diving into the shallow end of a swimming pool.
Do we always behave as we should?
A young man presents with fever, headache, photophobia and vomiting. Can you interpret the findings to diagnose and treat him appropriately before its too late?
Functional Seizures arent managed with benzodiazepines but how do you tell functional seizures from epileptic ones?
Just because we can incise an abscess, should we?
A 14-year-old girl presented at the ED after falling into a tree and impaling her cheek with a large twig, just below her right eye, obscuring her vision.
This SBA will test your knowledge on worrying presentations to ED, and when fevers come and go.
Small magnets in small people.
Theres a lot to know about PEM. Can you answer our questions on some of the more common PEM?
Using PoCUS to identify the abdominal aorta is an important skill and a curriculum requirement for completion of EM training. Can you identify all the relevant structures using ultrasound?