A patient with kidney troubles now has acute kidney injury. How will you identify and manage her AKI?
A drowsy marathon runner presents after training in the sun, with a significantly raised temperature and dry skin too hot to touch.
An elderly lady gardening in the hot summer sun becomes unwell soon after midday. How will you manage her heat stroke?
How will you manage your absconding patient with suicidal intent who has gone absent without leave?
Identifying aortic dissection is difficult, but the management doesnt stop there.
Learn more about the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACS) and their role managing in domestic abuse.
A recently widowed 36-year-old female presents with chest pain and shortness of breath. Her ECG features diffuse ST elevation.
A young man presents with superficial wounds on his forearm from a dog bite. You know what you have to do. Clean the wound, give a tetanus shot and prescribe antibiotics. Right?